We love and serve one another because Christ loved us and left us an example.

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The Ministries of WCC

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
~  I Peter 4:10

Ministry is the way a covenant community shows that love at the individual level.  If you want to experience the love of Jesus and learn how to be his disciple, come join us.  WCC has a place for you.

Join a small group and start connecting.

The Lord has commanded Christians to meet together for encouragement, prayer and the building up of one another.

WCC is using the Small Group to follow the pattern in Acts 2 – Devoted to teaching, fellowship, generosity, hospitality and praying together.  We believe meeting in small groups is a biblical and scalable strategy for growing in unity, with one another and for reaching people who do not know Jesus with the gospel of peace.  We presently have Five Small Groups meeting in the areas of Monroe, Social Circle, Good Hope/Watkinsville, Walnut Grove and Loganville with plans to expand.

The WCC Small Group season starts in February and ends in November.  The meetings are a mix of all life stages.  Small Groups meet once a month in member’s homes, meeting time is scheduled around a fellowship communal meal and includes a time of devotion and prayer.  The meetings last about one & half to two hours.  We encourage inviting new people to Small Group in coordination with the host family.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

We have loving teachers dedicated to teaching Adults, Students, and Children.

Our morning Bible studies are designed to meet the spiritual needs of people in an age based learning environment.  Classes meet during two 16-week sessions in the Spring (Feb-May) and the Fall (Aug-Nov).  Sunday School runs from 9:00-9:45 am before Corporate Worship.

Men’s Prayer

Revival has historically coincided with God stirring the hearts of men to repent, pray and assume spiritual leadership in their home and community.

WCC is providing a way for men to be encouraged in the faith, be accountable, pray and build strong relationships.  The men of WCC meet each month on the first Saturday at 8:00 am for a time of prayer.  We strongly encourage men to bring their sons and friends to consider God’s call on their life, pray for personal & community revival and enjoy the strength of men praying together.  Sometimes when prayer time is over, we tackle a church project together before lunch.  This ministry is expansive and open to all.

Women’s Discipleship

God calls women to build mentoring friendships with younger women in the faith.

Our women’s discipleship ministry lifts up the downhearted and strengthens the resolve of women to serve the Lord with their whole heart. Titus 2:3–5, 12-14

Communities desperately need godly women who confidently live out their faith in Christ by loving their family, sharing their faith, and doing good works.  WCC women’s discipleship meets in different homes on a monthly basis to grow strong relationships in the faith and to invite other women into faith in Jesus Christ.

Children’s Ministry

WCC believes that the training of children starts in the home and should be supported by the local church so as to faithfully pass on our Christian faith to the next generation.

We believe our children need to see the love of Christ in us and learn the story of their great God, Creator and Savior.  They too must come to repentance & faith and live in obedience to God’s Word.  WCC believes a family centric ministry to children is best supported by integrating children into all aspects of body worship. This is also practiced in WCC Small Groups.

The Sunday Morning Bible Study and Nursery ministries are age graded and provide gospel centered lessons where children can hear the same biblical teaching taught at home.

WCC conducts a Vacation Bible School during the summer using a Christ centered teaching theme for the week.  We want to make Jesus known and so bless the children and parents of our community.  VBS dates are usually announced in the Spring.

The ultimate goal is to see children experience the new birth, obey the Lord in believers baptism and fully integrate into WCC body life.

Student Ministry

The critical age where what is learned is either applied and embraced or a competing ideology begins to get a foothold.

It is a scary thought that our children would be tempted away from what they have been taught.  Student ministries more than ever need to recover historic Christianity and discover God’s true calling of faithfulness and service.

WCC does not segment Students away from church body life but strongly believe in mainstreaming student aged young people into serving others in the church, their community and the world.

We desire to lead our Students into a strong understanding of their faith and their responsibility to share the gospel as a means to truly help other young people.  WCC students are fully involved in church ministry, building strong christian relationships and volunteering in the community.  Come belong and serve with us.


Our focus is to reach unreached people groups with the gospel with a strong emphasis on church planting, indigenous pastoral training and direct missionary partnership.

WCC funds missions through a percentage of our general fund giving and maintains mission focus through the WCC Missions Advisory Counsel.  This counsel works directly with the Elders and Deacons to identify mission candidates and to further serve in developing a personal care ministry to each missionary we support.  WCC intends to be attentive to our partners in the Gospel through financial support, prayer support and periodic trips to serve in person to achieve special mission initiatives and to encourage the saints in other parts of the world.  Join us in giving!  The Lord is at hand!

Worship & Music

God has gifted WCC with talented musicians to lead us into worship every Sunday morning and during seasonal orchestra sessions led by a 30 year orchestra director.

WCC music teams are divided into two groups:  The worship team that ministers to us every week during the worship service and The WCC Orchestra that ministers periodically throughout the year during Sunday worship and at special seasonal events.

We love music and encourage musicians to explore glorifying God with their musical gifts.  WCC is always searching for gifted musicians and welcome you to meet our orchestra leader, Greg Gajownik